Determination of viscosity of fayalite slags for kv model and measurements by means of inclined plane


  • V. Bazán Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ingeniería. DIMET
  • Ch. Goñi Departamento de Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Universidad de Católica del Norte
  • L. Castellá Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia (IAS)
  • E. Brandaleze Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia (IAS)
  • L. F. Verdeja Universidad de Oviedo. Escuela de Minas. Siderurgia
  • R. Parra Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ingeniería. DIMET



Viscosity, Fayalite slags, Kv model, Method of the inclined plane


The viscosity of the slags represents one of the most relevant variables of most of the processes metallurgical and kinetics of the refine operations, since it is one of the decisive factors of the efficiency in the reactions between metal and slag, as much as slag - refractory. In the last decades, the mathematical models of different metallurgical processes have established methods to predict viscosity of mixtures of oxides fused to high temperatures in function of the chemical composition. The model developed by Toguri, based on the data reported by Johasen and Winterhager et al has proposed the Kv model. The used index it is similar to the relationship used in the steel industry like the basicity index. It is presented in this work values determined of viscosity in experimental form by means of the technique of inclined plane.


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How to Cite

Bazán, V., Goñi, C., Castellá, L., Brandaleze, E., Verdeja, L. F., & Parra, R. (2006). Determination of viscosity of fayalite slags for kv model and measurements by means of inclined plane. Revista De Metalurgia, 42(2), 84–90.


