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Vol. 59, 4, 2023. Investigations on microstructure, hardness and tribological behaviour of AA7075-Al2O3 composites synthesized via stir casting route. S. Sakthivelu et al. e253.
Vol. 59, 3, 2023. Evaluation of Nano mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of diffusion welded CoCrNi Medium-entropy alloy (MEA) and SUS 304 stainless steel joints. M. Samiuddin et al. e244.
Vol. 59, 2, 2023. Optimization of sponge iron (direct reduced iron) production with Box-Wilson experimental design by using iron pellets and lignite as reductant. İ. Sönmez et al. e241 (2023).
Vol. 59, 1, 2023: Magmasoft analysis results of the mechanical properties in wheels depending on chemical composition of the alloys. Tuğçe Yağcı et al., e233 (2023).
Vol. 58, 4, 2022: SEM images of the powders: a) Ti Grade 1; b) coarse B4C; c) fine B4C; d) SiB6; e) TiB2; f) TiC; g) TiN; h) cBN. Eva Mª Pérez-Soriano et al., e229 (2022).
Vol. 58, 3, 2022: Microstructure of the nodular cast iron used in the study. P: Perlite; G: Graphite; F: Ferrite. Javier Cárcel Carrasco et al., e224 (2022)
Vol. 58, 2, 2022: Surface stress distributions of the samples analyzed by a) SR, b) DSR-1 and c) DSR-G methods (580 °C rolling condition). Vedat Taşdemir, e219 (2022)
Vol. 58, 1, 2022: High magnification SEM image which shows a detail of the corrosion products (alloy C5). Andrea Niklas et al., e216 (2022).
Vol. 57, 4, 2021: SEM micrograph of poor machined surface at GV= 1.5 V, DC= 15 A, Ton= 200 μs, FP= 0.059 MPa, Toff= 20 μs. S. Naik et al., e210 (2021).
Vol. 57, 3, 2021: Build Direction along Z-axis. B. Mutlu, e200 (2021).
Vol. 57, 2, 2021: Micrograph of ductile cast iron. J.Martínez Alcón, M.Pascual Guillamón, L.Solano García, F.Salas Vicente, e194 (2021).
Vol. 57, 1, 2021: SEM micrograph of welding fume surface (5000x). B. Güney, e187 (2021).
Vol. 56, 4, 2020: SEM image and EPMA maps of the inclusion in WM. B.X. Wang, X.H. Liu, G.D. Wang, e183 (2020).
Vol. 56, 3, 2020: {1010} and (0002) pole figure obtained from the Rietveld analysis in the G6 alloy. B.W. Chávez, G. Garcés, P. Pérez, R. Barea, P. Adeva, e175 (2020).
Vol. 56, 2, 2020: SEM images of the surface of AZ31 immersed in artificial saliva. E. Mena-Morcillo, L. Veleva, L.J. Espadas-Herrera, e166 (2020).
Vol. 56, 1, 2020: SEM micrographs for the Ba1-xEuxTi1-x/4O3 samples. J.P. Hernández-Lara, M. Pérez-Labra, J.A. Romero-Serrano, A. Hernández-Ramírez, F.R. Barrientos-Hernández, R. Martínez-López, V.E. Reyes-Cruz, J.A. Cobos-Murcia, e161 (2020).
Vol. 55, 4, 2019: 3D model of the welded joint with the finite element mesh. M. Panchuk, O. Matviienkiv, L. Shlapak, M. Szkodo, W. Kiełczynski, A. Panchuk, e158 (2019).
Vol. 55, 3, 2019: Phases identified by EBSD. P. Pérez, G. Garcés, E. Frutos-Myro, J.M. Antoranz, S. Tsipas, P. Adeva, e147 (2019).
Vol. 55, 2, 2019: Morfología de los polvos de Ni-Al después de 1260 ks de AM.N. V. De León-Murguía, V. M. López-Hirata, C. Ferreira-Palma, D.I. Rivas-López, F. Hernández-Santiago, H.J. Dorantes-Rosales, e145 (2019).
Vol. 55, 1, 2019: Exemplary specimens after pad welding, first three-welded in the water, second three-welded in air. J.Tomkóv, D.Fydrych, G.Rogalski, J.Labanowsky, e140 (2019).
Vol. 54, 4, 2018: SEM micrograph detail of Er3+ doped BaTiO3, x = 0.005. M. Pérez-Labra, F.R. Barrientos-Hernández, J.P. Hernández-Lara, J.A. Romero-Serrano, M. Reyes-Pérez, V.E. Reyes-Cruz, J.C. Juárez-Tapia, G. Urbano-Reyes, e129 (2018).
Vol. 54, 3, 2018: Macrography of a welded coupon attacked with Nital-3 superposed with the original geometry of the plates. These images were used to obtain dilution values. M. Pascual-Guillamón, J. Cárcel-Carrasco, M.A. Pérez-Puig, F. Salas-Vicente, e122 (2018).
Vol. 54, 2, 2018: Micro-shrinkage porosity located in a pearlite aggregate. J. Asensio-Lozano, J.F. Álvarez-Antolín, C.H. Álvarez-Pérez, e118 (2018).
Vol. 54, 1, 2018: The SEM image of uncalcined ulexite mineral. N. Demirkıran, M. Kayra Tanaydin, G.D. Turhan Özdemir, e112 (2018).
Vol. 53, 4, 2017: Sub-surface of TWIP steel with composition 22% Mn, 0.6% C after two different annealing treatments, color etching Klemm’s II: (a) 1000 ºC - 300 s and (b) 1200 ºC - 1100 s. The bottom of each picture corresponds to mixed phases γ-austenite + α’-martensite. F. d. l. Cuevas, J. G. Sevillano, e109 (2017).
Vol. 53, 3, 2017: Iso-lines of electrical conductivity for the ternary: a) Bi-Ge-Sb (left), and b) Al-Cu-Sb (right) systems. M. Premovica, D. Minic´, M. Kolarevic, D. Manasijevic, D. Živkovic´, A. Djordjevic, D. Milisavljevic, e098 (2017).
Vol. 53, 2, 2017: Hardness of a cast as a function of distance from the surface of a raw cast towards the marked images of metallographic structures for each characteristic depth. P. Kurylo, E. Tertel, e095 (2017).
Vol. 53, 1, 2017: Morphologies of typical inclusions in GCr15 bearing steel billet: (a) MgO-Al2O3 totally wrapped by MnS; (b)–(d): MgO-Al2O3 partly wrapped by MnS; (e)–(f): MgO-Al2O3 wrapped by TiN; (g): TiN partly combined with MnS. G. Chao, B. Yan-ping, L. Lu, e089 (2017).
Vol. 52, 4, 2016: Capa de nanotubos obtenida en Ti Cp Grado 2, en un electrolito de H3PO4 1M + 0,8% peso NaF y 25 V. J. Lario-Femenía, A. Amigo-Mata, A. Vicente-Escuder, F. Segovia-López, V. Amigó-Borrás, e084 (2016).
Vol. 52, 3, 2016: (a) shearing mode (KII)- implemented apparatus, (b) cut view of apparatus in shearing assembly and (c) the view of tension test machine. I.Sevim, e072 (2016).
Vol. 52, 2, 2016: Microhardness maps for: a) SS-E, b) SS-B1 and c) SS-B2. J.A.Delgado et al., e068 (2016).
Vol. 52, 1, 2016: General microestructure and elemental maps of a processed intermetallic compounds at 800 °C, with an application of pressure of 20 MPa for 7200 seconds. L.G. Martínez-Perales et al., e061 (2016).
Vol. 51, 4, 2015: Covers of Revista de Metalurgia 1965–2015. Editorial.
Vol. 51, 3, 2015: CAD model of cast piston. S. Manasijevic et al., e048 (2015).
Vol. 51, 2, 2015: LPSO phase in the cast MgY7Zn5 alloy. Bright fiel TEM image (left) and selected area diffraction pattern at the (1120) zone axis (right). C. Garcés et al., e043 (2015).
Vol. 51, 1, 2015: Distribution of local plastic strain on surface of advanced high strength multiphase steels during in-situ tensile testing. I. De Diego-Calderón et al., e035 (2015).
Vol. 50, 4, 2014: Mapeo elemental de las aleaciones Zn-22%Al-2%Cu-1%Ag, Zn-22%Al-2%Cu-2%Ag y Zn-22%Al-2%Cu-3%Ag después de un envejecido a 200 °C durante 100 horas. A. Flores-Ramos et al., e026 (2014).
Vol. 50, 3, 2014: Interaction of inorganic and organic compounds of physiological fluids with thermally treated Ti surfaces. L. Burgos-Asperilla et al., e022 (2014).
Vol. 50, 2, 2014: Ultra high frequency induction welding of powder metal compacts. U. Çavdar, I. Gülsahin, e016 (2014).
Vol. 50, 1, 2014: Fotografía de portada: Topografic images of an Al-Mn and Al-Mn-Nd/Al2Nd inclusions in the AZ91D and AZ91DNdA alloys. M. Mohedano, R. Arrabal, A. Pardo, K. Paucar, M.C. Merino, E. Matykina, B. Mingo, G. Garces, e002 (2014).
Vol. 49, 6, 2013: Superficie de fractura de la aleación AZ31+1,5% CaO extruida a 350 ºC y ensayada en tracción a temperatura ambiente: c) aleación procesada con virutas precompactadas. F. D’Errico, G. Garcés, M. Hofer, S.K. Kim, P. Pérez, S. Cabeza y P. Adeva, 405-415 (2013).
Vol. 49, 5, 2013: Recubrimiento de acero aluminizado por inmersión en caliente, posteriormente laminado 40% y recocido durante 2 h (Fig. 9), J. Cervantes, A. Barba, M.A. Hernández, et al., 351-359 (2013).
Vol. 49, 4, 2013: 1,2,3-substituted imidazolium salt. Orange: carbon. White: hydrogen. Blue: nitrogen. Pink: anion. M. Regel-Rosocka and F.J. Alguacil, 293-316 (2013).
Vol. 49, 3, 2013: Fe-12.41 at. % Si after 1 h annealing at 650 °C and then quenching. Diffuse scattering may indicate presence of short range order in zone axis [211] (Fig. 8), F. González and Y. Houbaert, 178-199 (2013).
Vol. 49, 2, 2013: Medalla conmemorativa del 50 aniversario del CENIM.
Vol. 49, 1, 2013: Microstructures of the materials in their final state, after the second press and sintering cycle. P. García, M. Campos and J.M. Torralba, 55-64 (2013).
Vol. 48, 6, 2012: Superficie de fractura de probeta CvN-TL de AF1B de la región dúctil. D. Rodríguez y M. Serrano, 424-436 (2012).
Vol. 48, 5, 2012: “SEM micrographs of the HAz surface after 32 days of exposure, a) mixture film, composed by a biofilm and corrosion products and b) kidney-shaped SrB cells are clearly observed”, J. E. Flores,, 325-332 (2012).
Vol. 48, 4, 2012: Aleación con bajo silicio (B), en estado bruto de colada, L. Goyos,, 277-289 (2012).
Vol. 48, 3, 2012: SEM micrograph and EDS analysis of the phases of the slag A-8 with Fe/SiO2 = 1.7 and CaO/SiO2 = 1.6 and a reducing atmosphere at 1473 K, M. Pérez,, 213-222 (2012).
Vol. 48, 2, 2012: ULC (grade 557429), DP, TRIP, CP and martensitic steel microstructures represented by a schematic and compared by means of loM and SEM techniques, J. Galán et. al., 118-131 (2012).
Vol. 48, 1, 2012: SEM micrographs of polished fracture surface of reference (Fig. 8.a), A. López-Delgado et al., 45-57 (2012).
Vol. 47, 6, 2011: Fotomicrografía del cobre antes de ser comprimido en caliente, G. Torrente et al., 485-496 (2011).
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