Introduction to powder metallurgy processes for titanium manufacturing


  • P. G. Esteban Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • L. Bolzoni Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • E. M. Ruiz-Navas Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • E. Gordo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Titanium, Powder metallurgy, Titanium processing


The development of new extraction processes to produce titanium in powder form leads Powder Metallurgy to an advantage position among the manufacturing processes for titanium. The cost reduction of base material, coupled with the economy of the powder metallurgy processes, give titanium industry the chance to diversify its products, which could lead to production volumes able to stabilise the price of the metal. This work reviews some of the Powder Metallurgy techniques for the manufacturing of titanium parts, and describes the two typical approaches for titanium manufacturing: ‘Blending Elemental’ and ‘Prealloyed Powders’. Among others, conventional pressing and sintering are described, which are compared with cold and hot isostatic pressing techniques. Real and potential applications are described.


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How to Cite

Esteban, P. G., Bolzoni, L., Ruiz-Navas, E. M., & Gordo, E. (2011). Introduction to powder metallurgy processes for titanium manufacturing. Revista De Metalurgia, 47(2), 169–187.


