Metallurgical characterization of three archaeological objects of copper base materials proceeding from low Aragón (Spain)


  • A. Gabaldón Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico Español (IPHE) (Ministerio de Cultura)
  • V. López Nodo de Arqueometalurgia CENIM. Red Temática de Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural (CSIC). Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM)
  • A. Martín-Costea Nodo de Arqueometalurgia CENIM. Red Temática de Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural (CSIC). Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM)
  • E. Otero Nodo de Arqueometalurgia CENIM. Red Temática de Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural (CSIC). Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM)



Metallurgical characterization, Analytical procedures, Optical microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (MEB), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) Archaeological objects, Low Aragon (Spain).


Three archaeological metallic objects corresponding to three different cultural times are studied. The objects are: a point of arrow Palmela type, a fragment of adze (possibly of the First Iron Age) and a ring or small ring of the Roman Period. The analysis show concordant results whit similar finds of the same cronology and contribute new data about the metallurgical technology of the copper base material for each of the cultural times of origen. At the same time how has affected the environment in which the objects have been found has been determinate.


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How to Cite

Gabaldón, A., López, V., Martín-Costea, A., & Otero, E. (2006). Metallurgical characterization of three archaeological objects of copper base materials proceeding from low Aragón (Spain). Revista De Metalurgia, 42(4), 287–298.




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